COVID-19 (Corona virus Disease 19) was first in Wuhan China. the cause is due to gas leakage and eventually spread throughout the world including Indonesia. This virus is spread very quickly because the corona virus spreads through the air, so its spread is fast and takes many victims. The initial symptoms of corona virus infection are cough, fever, runny nose, shortness of breath. Therefore this virus attacks the respiratory tract so that it can kill human lives.
       The total number of patients affected by the corona virus in the world is around 271,629 people. 11,282 deaths with 87,403 patients recovering. In Indonesia alone, 369 cases and 30 people were positively affected by the corona virus. But in Indonesia it is not yet reported that someone has died, because it is still in the process of healing or isolation.
      The billionaires in the world and domestic artists also contributed money to donate to people infected with this virus and including to Wuhan China to reduce this virus. People who have donated a small amount of their wealth are Bill Gates who donated around 1.4 trillion. And one of the Indonesian artists, namely Nikita Mirzani, who donated about 100 million rupiah.
       How to prevent corona virus from being infected, namely: 
1. Not traveling or traveling. 
2. Avoid crowded places. 
3. Always live clean and healthy. 
4. Pray to God.
       So at the conclusion of the blog about this corona virus that is always alert and always live clean and healthy. Don't leave the house too much and avoid the crowds. May we all not be infected by this virus and that we are all given health. Aminn!


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